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All About The Striped Stallion: Zebras!

Writer: BrummelBrummel

Updated: Feb 13, 2020

We get it, you’re obsessed with the Flying Panda Green Apple Vodka Seltzer (it’s absolutely delicious, so we can’t blame you), but that refreshing, crispy goodness isn’t even the best part! Each can of our Green Apple Vodka Seltzer assists Flying Panda in supporting Fossil Rim’s mission of conserving everyone’s favorite endangered dichromatic animal, the zebra. In honor of the recent International Zebra Day, we decided to share some interesting facts about this stunning species so that you actually have something to break the ice at Valentine’s Day dinner (romance is hard, isn’t it?).

Flying Panda and Fossil Rim aid in the conservation of The Grevy’s zebra. These grazing animals can be found roaming the plains of Africa alongside other grazing species such as the wildebeest, ostrich, and antelope. However, “roaming” might not be the best word to describe zebras, as they are fully capable of galloping up to 40 mph! In addition to being fast, these animals have quite a bit of spunk, as they are known for their untamable wild nature. Despite how they dress, zebras can most likely see in full color, so we’re guessing that the ridiculous outfit has more to do with abstract artistic expression. In fact, each zebra has its own exclusive style, as every zebra’s stripes and patterns are completely unique, just like a human fingerprint.

The zebra’s favorite pastime is definitely food (we’ve decided that the zebra is our spirit animal, too). Some of the zebra’s favorite meals include fresh grass, juicy fruit, shrubs, and bark. Zebras are quite the picky eaters, as they are able to detect the slightest changes in food quality. You’d probably be picky if you spent 60% of your day grazing and eating food, too! That time commitment jumps up to 80% when food becomes especially scarce, which unfortunately occurs all too often for the zebras.

The Grevy’s zebra probably would test highly in introversion, as they do not form any sort of permanent herds. Rather, the striped stallions (males) live alone in their 4-square-mile territories. They mark their territory by decorating their bachelor pads with dung (let’s be honest, it could be a lot worse). Stallions will occasionally clash over territory via pushing contests, featuring lots of rearing and biting (it’s way more hardcore than your typical bar fight). Fortunately for the stallions, they don’t have to try very hard at romance, as they will mate with any mares (females) that happen to wander into their territory. When born, a foal is capable of sprinting alongside its mother within just an hour (wouldn’t it be great if humans could do that, too?).

Unfortunately, these exquisite animals struggle to survive mostly due to habitat loss. Zebras already had a restricted range of habitat, and losing any of that forces zebras to compete with other grazing animals, livestock, and cattle for resources. Due to overgrazing and competition for water, juvenile zebras have a very low survival rate. In just the last 30 years, zebras have suffered a 54% population reduction, as there were just 2,800 of them left in 2019. In Ethiopia, zebras are actively hunted and killed for their glamorous skin, but sometimes it’s for food, and, in some regions, medicinal uses. Besides habitat loss and hunting, The Grevy’s zebra also faces threats from disease outbreaks, drought, and fragmented populations.

The Grevy’s zebra was one of Fossil Rim’s first Species Survival Plan animals, and they are continuing to do incredible work to cherish and conserve this remarkable species. You can help zebras survive by donating directly at or by enjoying a Flying Panda Green Apple Vodka Seltzer!



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